As you're going to be a mother.. here are some thoughts to ponder.. to be honest when you and Daniel were babies.. Mummy and me were young and clueless.. Having made that embarrassing admission.. I think there were a few things we eventually did right- and here's a list:
1. We took you guys everywhere - you didn't get baby sat much.. you learned to fall asleep on people's floors and couches.. we were young and stupid and would take you guys to friends parties etc- I think it did you more good than harm
2. Get a baby pouch.. these only came out when Imogen was a baby.. even then it was a bit revolutionary.. anyhow when you use one of these things the baby is face-to-face with other adults.. and interacts more.. they get more attention and when they make gestures they get reactions from people around them.. I think this is a good thing.. the baby works out that it can "get a reaction out of the world".. and isn't just a jelly-fish floating in it.
3. Get a big (deep) baby bath and bath the baby stomach down.. if you don't know ask Mummy - she can explain it to you..
4. We got a cheap stroller and when the new baby came along the bigger ones had to walk.. these days I see kids of all ages being carried by their parents.. maybe they are a faulty model with legs that don't work??.. anyhow.. walking with mum and dad is a good thing.. it makes kids stronger.. and more independent..
4. I guess I wish I had more time and the inclination to read more books to you kids when you were young.. I did read to you.. I remember the Tiger who came to Tea, Daniel the reluctant Duck and others .. but reading stories is far better than TV.
5. One thing is for sure- you kids had more fun with cardboard boxes.. old planks of wood making cubby houses in the back yard and other stuff rather than expensive toys.. well that's the way I remember it anyhow..
Well that's enough- I better get to my lawn bowls and physiotherapy class with the other old grand-fathers
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