I bought a smocking pleater a week or two ago off ebay. I saw some cool tutorials of how to do smocking on youtube and got all inspired to make little dresses for beatrice. I only just got around to finally playing with my new toy last night though. I ended up staying up way past my bed time so that i could figure it out on scrap fabric. I think i kinda have the idea now, i would like it if there was a tute on youtube about how to incorporate the smocked panel into a dress though. i have kind of figured it out for myself by examining dresses i already have but i really don't know how to sew at all, i am self taught so i am pretty sure i sew everything the hard way.
I don't know if you are actually supposed to do this but i tried using elastic thread on the pleating machine to make shirred dresses. It kind of works but i don't know if it really makes it that much easier to do shirring, it does make it a lot neater though. I ended up making a shirred dress (using the sewing machine) for beatrice using one of my favourite vintage fabrics that i have had in my fabric trunk for years. She will obviously have to wait quite a while before she will be able to wear it. But this is the first item i have made using the shirring elastic that mung gave me two years ago. mung gave me a lesson on how to do shirring but i think it must have been the vietnamese version of shirring because the tutorial i found on youtube about shirring was different and more time consuming and involved more steps than the vietnamese version...but you end up with the same result so meh! i went with mung's way and it worked. It is possibly not as neat as it could be but shirring is very forgiving and little girls look cute in anything and i am pleased with my first effort anyway. don't you think the fabric is the cutest?
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